HP UX – Get hard disk hardware details

How to get hard disk details such as serial number in HP UX?

Use the command “cstm” to pull the hardware information in HP UX. The same can be used to collect hard disk details such as serial number, make, model and firmware rev of hard disk. The disk serial number mostly needed when replacing faulty hard disks.

View the hard disk details

This command fetch the details even if the disk is faulty.

#echo "selclass qualifier hard;info;wait;infolog" | /usr/sbin/cstm
Sample output
-- Information Tool Log for SCSI Disk on path 0/1/1/0.0.0 --
Log creation time: Tue Dec 20 12:42:28 2016

Hardware path: 0/1/1/0.0.0

Product Id:       ST373454LC        Vendor:           HP 73.4G
Device Type:      SCSI Disk         Firmware Rev:     HPC3
Device Qualifier: HP73.4GST373454LC  Logical Unit:     0
Serial Number:    XXXX1234XX5678XXXXX
Capacity (M Byte):          70007.20
   Block Size:              512
   Max Block Address:       143374737
Error Logs
   Total Retries:              0    Buffer Overruns:        N/A
   Read Reverse Errors:      N/A    Buffer Underruns:       N/A
   Write Errors:               0    Non-Medium Errors:      N/A
   Verify Errors:              0


-- Information Tool Log for SCSI Disk on path 0/1/1/0.1.0 --

Log creation time: Tue Dec 20 12:42:29 2016

Hardware path: 0/1/1/0.1.0

Product Id:       ST373454LC        Vendor:           HP 73.4G
Device Type:      SCSI Disk         Firmware Rev:     HPC3
Device Qualifier: HP73.4GST373454LC  Logical Unit:     0
Serial Number:    XXXX1234XX5678XXXXX

Capacity (M Byte):          N/A
   Block Size:              N/A
   Max Block Address:       N/A
Error Logs
   Total Retries:            N/A    Buffer Overruns:        N/A
   Read Reverse Errors:      N/A    Buffer Underruns:       N/A
   Write Errors:             N/A    Non-Medium Errors:      N/A
   Verify Errors:            N/A


From above output the second hard disk does not show disk capacity. Because disk became faulty. It needs to be replaced.

View the server hardware details

#echo "selclass qualifier system;info;wait;infolog" | /usr/sbin/cstm

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