Linux library files

What is lib files in Linux?
A library(lib) is a file containing compiled code from various object files stuffed into a single file. It may contain a group of functions that are used in a particular context. For example, the ‘pthread’ library is used when thread related functions are to be used in the program.

Broadly, a library (or Program Library) can be of two types :

1. Shared Library or Shared lib
2. Static Library or Static lib

In this article we will discuss specifically about what is Shared Libraries? What are the advantages of shared library and naming conventions inside Linux/Unix operating system (OS).

Shared Libraries

Shared Libraries are the libraries that can be linked to any program at run-time. They provide a means to use code that can be loaded anywhere in the memory. Once loaded, the shared library code can be used by any number of programs. So, this way the size of programs(using shared library) and the memory footprint can be kept low as a lot of code is kept common in form of a shared library.

We desire some advantage by using Shared libraries. Because shared libs provide modularity to the development environment as the library code can be changed, modified and recompiled without having to re-compile the applications that use this library. For example, for any change in the pthread library code, no change is required in the programs using pthread shared library.

A shared library (lib) can be accessed through different names from Linux. The different names of shared libs and how they differ from each has been described here.

  • Name – used by linker (‘lib’ followed by the library name, followed by ‘.so’ . For example
  • Fully qualified name or soname – ( ‘lib’ followed by the library name, followed by ‘.so’, followed by ‘.’ and a version number. For example :
  • Real name – (‘lib’ followed by the library name, followed by ‘.so’, followed by ‘.’ and a version number, followed by a ‘.’ and a minor number, followed by a ‘.’ and a release number. Release number is optional. For example,

When the developer does change version number?

A version number is changed for a shared library when the changes done in the code make the shared library incompatible with the previous version. For example, if a function is completely removed then a new version of the library is required.

A minor number is changed in case there is a modification in the code that does not make the shared library incompatible with the previous version being used. For example, a small bug fix won’t break the compatibility of the existing shared library so only a minor number is changed while version remains the same.

Well, these naming conventions help multiple versions of same shared library to co-exist in a system. The programs linking with the shared library do not need to take care about the latest version of the shared library installed in the system. Once the latest version of the shared library is installed successfully, all the programs automatically start linking to the latest version.

The name used by linker is usually a symbolic link to the fully qualified soname which in turn is a symbolic link to the real name.

Placement in File System

There are mainly three standard locations in the UNIX filesystem where a library can be placed or stored.

1. /lib
2. /usr/lib
3. /usr/local/lib

We will go by the Filesystem Hierarchy standards(FHS) here. According to the FHS standards, All the libraries which are loaded at start up and running in the root filesystem are kept in /lib. Where as the libraries that are used by system internally are stored at /usr/lib. These libraries are not meant to be directly used by users or shell scripts. There is a third location /usr/local/lib (though it is not defined in the latest version of FHS). If it exists, it contains all the libraries that are not part of standard distribution. These non-standard libraries are the one’s which you download and could be possibly buggy.

Using ldconfig

The “ldconfig” is the command allows us to enable third party libs in otherwords library that not part of standard distribution. Once a shared library is created, copy the shared library to directory in which you want the library to reside (for example /usr/local/lib or /usr/lib). Now, run ldconfig command in this directory.

What does ldconfig do?

You remember that we discussed earlier that a linker name for shared library is a symbolic link to the fully qualified soname which in turn is a symbolic link to the real name. Well, the ldconfig command does exactly the same.

When you run an ELF executable, by default the loader is run first. The loader itself is a shared object file /lib/ where ‘X’ is a version number. This loader in turn finds and loads all the shared libraries on which our program depends.

All the directories that are searched by the loader in order to find the libraries is stored in /etc/ Searching all the directories specified in /etc/ file can be time consuming so every time ldconfig command is run, it sets up the required symbolic links and then creates a cache in file /etc/ where all the information required for executable is written. Reading information from cache is very less time consuming. The catch here is that ldconfig command needs to be run every-time a shared library is added or removed. So on start-up the program uses /etc/ to load the libraries it requires. It clearly states the usage and importance of ldconfig command.

This command prints all library has been cached or contents on /etc/
#ldconfig –p