McAfee log file locations cheat sheet – Windows

McAfee log file locations and names are miserable some times. The System Admin in his Initial days with McAfee will have hard time to search for logs. All the log locations are configurable through policy. But most of us work with default log location settings. Keeping it in mind, gathered log file content type, names and location details for default McAfee logger settings. This is single cheat sheet with details of most commonly used log files. I know that there are many discussion and McAfee KB available with similar details. But this Information will serve as quick reference guide Instead of reading through number of pages in Internet.

Note: All the products referred here are of McAfee enterprise type and not home user products.

McAfee log file locations and names Cheat Sheet – Windows OS

This post will help you with log file names and locations of following McAfee products. If I get a chance in feature, will do verify, test and try to add more products.

For more detailed Information about the logs on each product look at the links provided in Reference section

McAfee Agent (MA)

McAfee Product/Task/Modules Log contents / Type log file path / location
McAfee Agent (MA)activity & debug logs folderWindows XP and older:
– C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\McAfee\Agent\Logs\
Windows Vista and later:
– %ProgramData%\McAfee\Agent\Logs\
McAfee Agent (MA)activity & debug log file names– masvc_<hostname>.log
– macmnsvc_<hostname>.log
– macompatsvc_<hostname>.log
– McScript.log
– McScript_error.log
– marepomirror.log
– marepomirror_error.log
– UpdaterUI_<hostname>.log
– UpdaterUI_<hostname>_error.log
McAfee Agent (MA) Installation logs folderManual Install:
– %TEMP%\McAfeeLogs\
EPO Deployment:
– C:\Windows\Temp\McAfeeLogs\
McAfee Agent (MA) Installation log file names– Frminst_ <hostname>.log
– Frminst_ <hostname>_error.log
– MFEAgent.msi.<system time stamp>.log
– Vscore_install_vscore_<systemtime>.log
– Vscore_uninstall_vscore_<systemtime>.log
Additional files to look at:
– C:\ProgramData\McAfee\Agent\logs\McScript_deploy.log
– C:\ProgramData\McAfee\Agent\logs\McScript_deploy_error.log

Endpoint Security (ENS)

McAfee Product/Task/Modules Log contents / Type log file path / location
Endpoint Security (ENS) Installation logs folderC:\Windows\Temp\McAfeeLogs\
Endpoint Security (ENS)Parent log folder%ProgramData%\McAfee\Endpoint Security\Logs\
ENS Platform or CommonActivity and Debug logs– EndpointSecurityPlatform_Activity.log
– EndpointSecurityPlatform_Debug.log
ENS Self ProtectionActivity and Debug logs – SelfProtection_Activity.log
– SelfProtection_Debug.log
ENS Updates Activity and Debug logs– PackageManager_Activity.log
– PackageManager_Debug.log
ENS ErrorsError from any ENS module– EndpointSecurityPlatform_Errors.log
ENS Client ConsoleClient console logsMFEConsole_Debug.log

VirusScan Enterprise (VSE)

McAfee Product/Task/Modules Log contents / Type log file path / location
VirusScan Enterprise (VSE) 8.8Parent log folder (Activity)– %DEFLOGDIR%\
– C:\ProgramData\McAfee\DesktopProtection\
VSE 8.8 Access ProtectionActivity logsAccessProtectionLog.txt
VSE 8.8 Email scanActivity logs– EmailOnDeliveryLog.txt
– EmailOnDemandLog.txt
VSE 8.8 OAS & ODSScanner summary and activity logs– OnAccessScanLog.txt
– OnDemandScanLog.txt
VSE 8.8 updaterUpdate task logUpdateLog.txt
VSE 8.8 Installation Installation logs folder Manual Install:
– %TEMP%\McAfeeLogs\
EPO Deployment:
– C:\Windows\Temp\McAfeeLogs\

Management of Native Encryption (MNE)

Note: Since MNE version 2.0 debug logs enabled by default for Windows.

McAfee Product/Task/Modules Log contents / Type log file path / location
MNE (version 2.0 and later)Logs Folder%ProgramData%\mcafee\management of native encryption\
MNE (version 2.0 and later)activity and debug log files– MNEService_Activity.log
– MNEService_Debug.log
MNEInstallation logs folderManual Install:
– %TEMP%\McAfeeLogs\
EPO Deployment:
– C:\Windows\Temp\McAfeeLogs\


McAfee Agent version 5.5 log guide

McAfee ENS 10.5 log guide

McAfee MNE debug log in detail

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